New: FBA Inventory API dynamic sandbox

You can now test code integrations between the Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) Inventory and Fulfillment Outbound API domains. Use the two dynamic sandbox environments to simulate order fulfillment and inventory movements that mimic Amazon’s production responses.

With the FBA Inventory sandbox, you can:

  • Create and delete sandbox products using sandbox control APIs, including sellerSku and productName.
  • Add virtual inventory to sandbox products.
  • Query getInventorySummaries to view product inventory information for the products created by the developer. Inventory information includes sellerSku, fnsku, asin, productName, fulfillableQuantity, reservedQuantity, and totalQuantity.
  • Use getInventorySummaries in conjunction with the FBA Fulfillment Outbound dynamic sandbox to create and manage virtual off-Amazon orders, and observe inventory movements and consumption.

For more information, refer to the Fulfillment Outbound Dynamic Sandbox Guide and the FBA Inventory Dynamic Sandbox Guide.